Saturday, August 21, 2010

Am I Dreaming Or Am I High (lol)

Don’t we all dream of being something different. Of breaking from our current selves into some raw, untainted pure free energy freely flowing. Someone wanted to walk the path less treaded, and ended up walking a lonely, unhappy path instead. Someone wanted to contribute his intellect in a way he wanted to the world, yet is clamped down by societal constraints to do absolutely anything of that sort. Someone’s idea of success is a prison for another.

Aren’t we all insecure and unsure of what to do once ‘adult’ life starts to look down us in the eye rather stern and unfriendly. What would one do, refuse to grow into an adult, avoid an irreversible, inevitable fact of nature?

Existence can be clubbed into this collective group of random arbitrary stuff. After all, existence is the byproduct of the arbitrary superset that our universe actually is. So what meaning does existence really have in the cosmos? Where does morality, rationality, humanity all lie in the vastness of our space?

Does that make human emotion a rather useless phenomenon? So many questions emerge when one thinks this way. And I am immediately reminded of Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen :D

Coming back to dreams and breaking conventions, when we see this event in comparison to the vastness of the cosmos, we see how the two thoughts merge. We see how it all makes sense all of a sudden. Or maybe its just me I dunno lol!

We should never be afraid of breaking the conventions. The conventions themselves are insignificant just as everything else in the universe is. So don’t worry, its just another insignificant thing you may enjoy and celebrate your life with! And you define your universe in the things you seek to gain, achieve. Perception can fool people, but it at least makes enjoyable living.

Soon you realize that my thought is randomly swirling around desperately trying to make some sense. But that’s not the point anyways :P I just have to accept that our conflict with societal rules and conventions are all just plain insignificant bullshit. Just stop worrying about what all that can be and can mean and just GO DO STUFF!