Sunday, January 24, 2010


I write this unashamedly and with all my honesty and heart.

We are stuck with a fixed perception of life and what we are to accomplish in life. We are fed the same bullshit from day one, and we are forced to conform. Take a look from the point of view of an animal. What is the aim of human life? You start seeing on a broader sense. You start to get rid of your narrow mindedness and feel a bit insecure. Insecurity in being so naked, so exposed to the grand unified (macro & micro) amalgam that surrounds you. It's called life, you useless fuck. Now you realize how trivial we are, how insignificant things clutter our experience of life. What the fuck is society? What significance do their expectations mean to you? What significance do any expectations have, really? What is civilized living? Why do we even spend money on clothes if we can live naked naturally? Why should we spend our precious thirty minutes watching other suffer on a television set? Why do we get scared of failure? What is a career,a job really? Do you really need one? What is family? What is God?

You are surrounded by questions, and you want to shout. You are humbled by all you just witnessed. You see pointlessness in fussing and wasting your entire life in getting a million dollar paycheck. The pointlessness in 'socializing.' The pointlessness in 'image' and how we look, dress, even keeping ourselves clean to an extent. Why eat a fish-egg based shit dish you call caviar and show off a big wallet? Why just copy what everyone else is doing just to convince yourself its the 'correct' way of doing things, the 'cool' thing, the 'only way to do it'? Why restrict yourself from sexuality for the fear of looking a pervert, another preconcieved societal notion?

Fuck big money. Fuck social obligation. Fuck expectations. Fuck fear! FUCK PLAYING SAFE! THERE IS NO SAFETY! Security is an illusion you convince your mind and heart with. Discover your instinct. See the wonder in a bubble of soap, its shining film of rainbows. Appreciate it. Forget about that test, that work, that call you had to make, that show you had to watch, that thing you had to order. Explore your surroundings. Explore life. Forget what taste means, the preconcieved idea of taste for one minute, and have an ice-cream. You will marvel at the universe in one ice-cream scoop! It will feel like you were born anew, discovering taste for the first time. Smell flowers. Watch a bird fly. See the clouds transform. The lights shimmering in the horizon of your town. The speed of wind on a motorbike. The rush of that breath of air. The transcendance that music provides. The moment of solitude, deep contemplation. That warm embrace of a loved one. The passionate kiss of a lover, the intimacy of making love. The joy of creating something new everyday. The happiness innovation in routine brings. LOVE, PEACE AND HAPPINESS!

Dare to do something the world has a preconcieved idea of. Wear the same set of clothes for a few days. You're probably worried if someone notices you wear the same things everyday? Fuck that. Sit naked in your home and see the freedom from all these 'obligations' it gives you. It liberates you. Speak out openly when something bothers you. You don't have to worry about what politically correct and whats not. Try that for a moment. Don't shy away from who you are. Discover your talent for doing something and prove your mettle in it. Discover your moment of liberation, what sets you free. Discover what true love is. Speak your heart out. Discover sexuality in your own way because its something to have fun with, not be ashamed of. FEAR IS THE BIGGEST CRIPPLER LIFE CAN EVER HAVE. Don't run away from them. Be a bit suicidal! Jump into what you're scared of once in a while. It may unsettle you, but gives you a clearer sense of the truth. The truth that fear only inhibits us from experiencing things. Go and experience everything- good, bad, funny, hurtful, sad, mind blowing or ordinary.

DO YOU REMEMBER ANYTHING? Have you ever thought of a word called "appreciation?" Probably not, perhaps in a long time. APPRECIATE YOUR LIFE. Don't be a dick. Celebrate when you ought to, vent out anger when you ought to, express when you ought to, always inquisitively tackle what may come. Observe, learn and make some sense of what you're doing on this world.

What annoys me is that some people in the world live their entire life contributing nothing but their shit to the world. And most of the times, they're unaware of what they can do, or being forced by fear or 'society' to do anything other than the shit.

Fuck that shit. Do what you believe in. Die doing what you believe in. Firstly, BELIEVE! Get the most you can outta this life, and the best things come for free mind you...

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