Saturday, February 13, 2010


I like this alternative band known as R.E.M., and in the words of their singer Michael Stipe, I would like to quote their song (playing above and taking your precious bandwidth):

"Its the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine!)"

At 7 pm today on the 13th of February, (thank god its not the Friday for starting another wave of superstitions) more lives were lost needlessly.

It hasn't even been a year and a half since the Mumbai attacks, and here we are staring at another foolhardy attempt at wiping out people who have absolutely nothing to do with the supposed 'agitation against injustice' that has been caused to these people of blurring nationalities, united by this fanatic madness to kill and reign like in the barbaric times, only with a lot more hate while being controlled by people blinding them with false ideology.

Goddamn them. Goddamn those who get brainwashed into this.

And goddamn those who make this an issue to gain personal mileage/sympathy for their 'idealism'/give another reason to excuse this incident. Okay, I'm uselessly ranting and creating more clutter on the webspace. I don’t want to start complaining about things :-X

Coming back to the R.E.M. song, the interesting part about this is the irony of the statement.

"Its the end of the world": this is a feeling evident by all the stuff we see everyday, the circus our world is becoming into. Don't let me even get started on political censorship over films, beneath a certain perhaps anti-Muslim advocacy. Our police resources were wasted on unnecessary violence directed at movie screenings, and even on curbing 'immoral & promiscuous' activity.

"as we know it..." : this shows that we've always regarded the world at the brisk of extinction.Right from the kings era,disputes between princely states to World Wars, post-Independence slavery to foreign nations, communal riots, more wars including ones on terror, etc. etc.

The war/terror/violence factor has never waned. The stuff we speak in disgusted tones right now becomes stuff of folklore and legend later. Look at the American Civil War. We are in fact, loving this violence. We ourselves have had this mad-like attraction to death and killing.

"And I feel fine." : that sums the whole thing up. People who make the most noise about the incident have the least to do with it. Which reminds me I have never been around the German Bakery area, vaguely remember the street it lies on etc. etc. But nevertheless I adore Koregaon Park, for it is the Sunset Strip of Pune, the mecca of jazz inIndia and the grooviest rock circuit/my place of worship. WHY GOD WHY DID YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?

We light candles, tie black bands, protest, talk dumb shit without thinking and wonder why we type such big rants on blogs. (That’s me :P) All the while, it brings no big change. It doesn’t really help u see any major difference. Does doing all that make the hate between the assumed warring groups lessen? Does it give you more security? What is security, even? I talked about this another place so lets not get into that either.

So yes, we have let them get more of us scared. They come and make a spectacle of blowing things in crowded places, believing they're actually doing good for their oppressed folk. They are victimizing themselves, while making us victims of this unwanted activity.

Go build baby care centers and old age homes. Ok, that was sarcastic, but I'm no expert in giving advice, so that’s just for getting my point across. Give your land some love, grow a crop, raise your family or something, I don’t know. But what I do know is you can't fix things with hate.

I can't get it how people can actually destroy things when there is so much to create. And for all you mourners, those black arm bands and silent protests are not going to help if we don't help fix things.

We have to 'create' peace, not achieve it by some automatic method. And as for how to do that, well everyone has their own methods. I sing and spread hope with my words & what I write, whatever feeble comfort that may give. I'm not saying I know how to bring everlasting peace. I'm still learning. One day we'll be capable of much more love, this I believe.

Get off your Backstreet Boys/Rihanna/Young Jeezy D.O.C. gangstas rap and listen to John Lennon's Imagine. You'll see much more clarity in the world if you can even try to comprehend his idea. Please listen and read the lyrics, grow strong personal principles to stick to...please be more idealistic. It at least keeps you thinking about what matters.

Peace, love, rock-n-roll, 60's style. And I'm the preaching neo-Hippie.

P.S. BLOODY BSNL LINE!!! F'ED UP SINCE PAST 4 DAYS no phone service!!! The internet disconnected while I was writing this too…Can’t even write a blog post in peace…Aaargh!!

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